Mastering paddle levels: a key asset for managers

At the moment, the paddle rankings are still very unknown and mysterious for many players. This is due to the fact that today there are multiple level grids, such as Kwickers, AFP, ATPadel, and many others, each with its own advantages.

Even if most players do not necessarily want to discover the “official competitive” world of paddle tennis, it is important for a club to be able to give its players an approximate ranking.

Facilitate balanced matches and matches

Nobody likes to play with a much stronger or weaker opponent; the real fun comes from competing between players of equivalent level. Padel is a sport that promotes encounters and encourages playing with different partners. This dynamic of discovery is one of the attractive aspects of paddle tennis. When you understand the players' level, it becomes easier to organize balanced matches, which improves the quality of the game, but also makes you want to play again.

Encourage personal growth

Padel players are constantly looking to evolve, and a ranking allows them to measure their progress. Without a level guide, it is difficult to locate yourself and set goals. Having a clear base allows you to climb the ladder little by little. It is in the nature of every sportsperson to want to surpass themselves.

Optimize workouts

Knowing the level of each player allows coaches to better organize training sessions and to suggest adapted exercises. Homogeneous level groups ensure more effective workouts and faster progress. If you don't have the knowledge to assess levels, make the coach your ally: he will know how to classify your players accurately!

Create a club dynamic

A clear ranking creates a healthy competitive spirit and encourages players to challenge themselves and become more involved in club activities. This may lead to the creation of new interclub teams, for example. By facilitating meetings between players of similar levels, you strengthen cohesion and friendship between club members. This allows you to offer an enriching and stimulating experience to your members.

Detailed paddle levels

To find out more about the levels of paddle tennis, check out our technical article that details the differences between each organization. There you will find a summary document to download.

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August 08, 2024

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